connect with Kids After School

Spending time with your kids is important, especially in these days where technology seems to take the human aspect out of their lives. For children, connecting with them doesn’t have to mean spending hours with them. Kids just need to know you are there and that you care. We all seem to lead busy lives these days and your children are no exception. They have extra-curricular activities and they feel compelled to keep up with everyone else.

Parents also lead busy lives and it is hard to find time to connect. Many times your child tries to connect with you at a bad time and you are unable to accommodate them. You will promise to get to them later, but sometimes that promise falls through the cracks. So what do you do?

Should We Come Up with a Plan?

Regardless of your child’s age, they need to know you are accessible. What some parents have found works for them, especially if you have multiple children of varying ages, is to have a set appointment for each child. During that “appointment” time your time belongs exclusively to that child. That means neither of you answers phones or texts or emails. Your other children cannot interfere with that time. Normally that would be a problem. Since you are spending time with that child at the exclusion of the others, they could get jealous. But, since each child has the same arrangement with the same rules, as long as you honor that time with each child you will find they look forward to that time.

So, What Do We Do in that Time?

What you do depends on the child. Some children feel comfortable talking while they are doing something else. For example, perhaps with one child, your time will be when you walk the dog. You walk together and talk while you walk. Others may be more comfortable if you are busy doing something like making dinner or folding clothes after doing the wash. So you would plan laundry time around that child’s “me” time.
Some children prefer to talk while in a car. You could arrange errands around that child’s time. Another may want to talk while practicing their favorite sport or a musical instrument. They may even prefer to talk while you help with their homework, particularly if they have a problem with a child or teacher who is in that particular class. If you would like other suggestions, contact us at the Children’s Academy in Mansfield, Texas.