Arrivals and Departures:
Every child in attendance must be electronically signed in every morning and out in the afternoon. A child will only be released to someone on the pickup list or a parent on the application. If someone other than those on the pickup list is going to pick up a child, a parent will need to follow the procedures below:
- Notify the center in advance by phone or in person who the person will be
- Make sure the person picking up the child has a state approved picture identification
- Communicate to the person picking up the above procedure
- Make sure that any person dropping a child off or picking up knows they must check the child in and out each day with a staff member’s help
- Monthly curriculum and menu calendars are viewable and printable from the website on the first of each month.
- Parental notices will be posted via email and by the check in computer.
- Sign-in sheets for authorization to give medication are located at the front desk.
We hope that you, as a parent, will feel free to openly discuss and allow us the opportunity to work through any problems that may arise concerning your child and the center.
The Children’s Academy invites parents to volunteer their time to help oversee students during special events, parties, and programs. Parents who wish to share special talents and cultural heritage with students are encouraged to speak with a Director to schedule a time.
Change of Address / Information:
Please notify us, immediately, if you move or change your phone numbers, including work, emergency numbers, and email addresses.
What to Bring For Your Child:
- Older children should wear clothing that is comfortable and that they can manage without help – items such as jackets, backpacks, and sweaters should be marked with the child’s first and last name.
- Students should be dressed accordingly to modesty, cleanliness, neatness, and the weather.
- A child must wear appropriate clothing with no offensive slogans or writing.
- Shoes should be comfortable and suitable for any situation.
- Tennis shoes or dress shoes are the best. For safety reasons flip flops are not allowed and The Children’s Academy will not be responsible for accidents caused by improper footwear.
- Even older children may have spills or accidents and soil their clothes. Please furnish your child with an extra complete set of clothing and label each article with a permanent marker.
Birthday Parties:
Your child’s birthday is a special day! Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes, cakes, or cookies to celebrate with the class.
- Please notify the teacher or director, in advance, before planning any celebration for your child.
- The Children’s Academy will furnish guidelines for parties in your child’s classroom.
Smoking or Vaping is not permitted in the buildings or on the grounds of The Children’s Academy.