We are truly fortunate in this day and age to have multiple choices for our children’s education. We no longer just naturally send our children to the public schools. More often, parents research all of their options before coming to a decision on where to send their children to be educated. Education is one of the greatest, and toughest decisions parents will make in the growth and well-being of their child.

Montessori Education is Child Focused

A Montessori education is child centered, or child led, meaning the child’s education is created around what that child is currently interested in. For example, in a Montessori school, you will find multiple centers with activities for the children to participate in. During a directed block of time, each child will head to the center that piques their curiosity that day. While playing, building, or creating, the trained Montessori teacher can come alongside the child and teach through whatever they are currently exploring. Children’s minds are so very curious, and learning happens through play and creativity. The Montessori education respects a child’s ability to learn at their own pace, and through their own learning style. While learning side by side with other students, a Montessori teacher gently teaches manners and social skills, which is an important emphasis in the Montessori philosophy and education.

Social Skills Are Better Learned Through Multiple Ages

In a Montessori school you will often find a wider range of ages, compared to a public school, where every student in a classroom is the same age. When a preschool has an age spread from 2 – 5 years old, imagine the possibilities for those older children to learn to be gentle when playing near a younger child…or what that younger child is learning from watching the older child. In families with multiple children, this naturally occurs at home. The Montessori philosophy continues that natural method in their schools.

When comparing these Montessori methods to public school, what stands out is Montessori’s ability and freedom to give children a unique, child led approach to learning, while nurturing a natural social structure. Public schools are often crowded, and although filled with wonderful teachers, their hands are tied as far as allowing children to learn at their own pace, and in their own natural learning style.

At Country Club Montessori, of Mansfield, Texas, we are passionate about a Montessori education. We believe nothing else compares, and as a parent, you will not be disappointed in the results you see in your child. We are located in wonderful Mansfield, Texas at 1770 Country Club Drive. Please contact us with any questions you may have, at 817-473-8585.